Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New drug for weight loss in both the clinical trial.

Drugs are Contraves of appetite stimulants Therapeutics, Inc. This is a combination of two drugs: the antidepressant Wellbutrin and dependency drug naltrexone.

Contraves stomach does not work. It is the hypothalamus, the brain's central control of appetite thermostat, temperature and how the body burns energy.

He must know that people lose weight quickly after the onset of Wellbutrin treatment. However, this effect quickly dissipated, and people regain weight. This is the naltrexone is that the 4 endocrine Dennis Kim, MD, MBA, appetite stimulants, Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs.

"Naltrexone and lift in the braking effect of Wellbutrin," Kim said the investigation. "So you have a synergistic signal to the hypothalamus to reduce food intake. Weight reduction is to maintain a certain period of time. "

This sounds good in theory. But does it work?

Screening of drugs in clinical trials of obesity in the number of nearly 700 people - 90% are women, the average weight of 223 pounds. Study enrollment, all participants intensive weight loss program, including consulting, food and exercise. Two thirds of participants also considered the Contraves.

Less than 60% of participants to remain in the 56 weeks.

Intensive weight loss system has worked well. After 56 weeks, and weight loss of more than 5% of body weight - 11-16 lbs. In addition, 11% of students who completed the study lost more than 15% of body weight.

However, those who have done even better Contraves. After 56 weeks, they lost 9.3% body weight - 20-25 lbs. And more than 29%, more than 15% decrease in weight.

Nausea, usually mild or moderate and often Contraves treatment side effects. More patients with mild to moderate Contraves have headaches and constipation. All these side effects tend to occur at the beginning of the year.

Despite the side effects were not Contraves patients with worsening symptoms of depression or mental. In fact, they reported a better quality of life than other participants.

It is clear that any anti-obesity work will be to better integrate the most advanced weight loss plan. More research is to examine ways to work with Contraves less stringent procedures.

"We do not expect to strengthen the need to diet and exercise plan in order to Contraves good job," he said.

Contraves is not the only drug weight loss was genius appetite stimulants. The company is also testing a compressed Empatic combined with Wellbutrin, the seizure of the drug Zonegran. In early clinical trials, obese patients lost 10% of weight in 6 months. More research results should be the end of the year.

Waden Thomas, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Center for Weight and eating disorders, appetite stimulants proposed study results presented at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, held in June 6.9 New Orleans .

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